Where We Begin
Our solutions are always focused on meeting individual client requirements.
We understand that improving staff productivity, without negatively impacting standard of engagement for the patient, resident, client or customer is a key goal for all service providers.
Communications and assistive technology applications targeted at achieving that goal are continually evolving and increasing in their complexity as user requirements become more sophisticated, more integration becomes possible through IP standardisation, and the explosion in availability of IP enabled devices generally.
We start our engagement by reviewing / creating an application requirements document in order to document a common understanding of the complete scope of functionality that a client is seeking – along with requirement prioritisations.
The solution that we recommend may range from simple solutions such as a unique configuration of an existing technology to meet a client’s specific needs, through to bespoke integrations of a range of technologies, meeting a more complex set of requirements.
We take a risk averse approach when recommending the most appropriate solution (leading edge, not bleeding edge) – providing tangible assurance benefits for our clients and where necessary, incorporate or recommend proof of concept testing as an added level of assurance where the solution warrants.
We will always recommend world class technologies from world class manufacturers.
Our solutions development team comprises the most experienced technical and application specialists assembled in South Australia, with over 100 years of relevant industry knowledge between them, supported by our technical implementation team who are skilled in a broad range of technologies from older traditional systems through to the latest in IP offerings to over 500 businesses and 180 Aged and Health Care sites (at March 2017).
Our service starts with customised design, supply, installation, and integration of a range of communication and assistive technologies, and continues for the long haul, with ongoing around the clock support packages tailored to our customer’s needs.